The importance of the 5 W's

The importance of the 5 W's

The 5 W's acronym stands for Who , What ,Where ,Why ;some often add the sixth question, How ,to the list . The 5 W's is a method of analysis that involves numerous stages and asks questions about a situation's core qualities.  These simple inquiries provide factual aspects, that once gathered , enables a universal depiction of an event, interest, circumstance or context to be rendered.  It fully respects journalistic ethics ,which aims to provide complete and objective information to all

The concept of the 5 W's has been in the Journalism profession for a long time . It is more about getting a story in order and making it easier for the targeted audience to understand.  The concept also helps in preparing questions for interviews and writing factual news stories and better news releases . They are considered as basic in information gathering.  They identify the magnitude of a story ,highlighting the important news for the audience and also evaluates the source.Students, authors, and researchers can use these inquiry words to grasp the full aspect of the topic at hand. To elicit information, many of these words can be used in inquiries. In this session, we'll go over the five Ws, learn how to apply them, and look at examples by asking and answering hypothetical questions. The 5 W's are described as follows: ‘what’ is the story talking about, ‘when’ did the story happened, ‘who’ is the story talking about, ‘where’ did the story happened, ‘ which’ specific area, and how did the story happened. I have also learned that to be a very good journalist you need to use these words in every story you write . For the reader to get a clear message from the story or article. To get a very strong lead ,you need to start your story with the 5 W's .

I plan on applying the 5 W's basic writing skill to my research when writing stories or articles and when interviewing people in future.  Yes maybe applying them to every research won’t work but I believe it is a useful idea that worth exploring.  It has the potential to help translate research to a wide audience without much effort.  Like in the marketing industry I will use the concept of the 5W's to make myself more familiar with the audience more especially because we are communicating to the masses as journalists when writing a story  . It will make it more possible and easy for me to create informative content that will be valuable to my readers  . Learning how to use the 5W’s will help the journalist inform its reader about. Learning skills such as these and many others  will bring great reliability to a journalist work and will bring readers back to the journalist posts. Since in primary the concept of the 5W's was introduced as method to a great story or article.  Without this skill there is no story nor a investigative journalist . 





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